From Here to There at Ashley Hall
同时拥抱阿什利庄园丰富的传统, 十大网赌平台推荐设想一个大胆满足二十一世纪学生需求的校园. Five distinct projects are underway, or scheduled, 这将支持学院对程序化体验的不懈关注,并增强十大网赌平台推荐位于历史悠久的查尔斯顿中心的繁荣校园. See below to review each project.
Warren Street House
Completed January 2019
Offers: Admissions Welcome Center; additional learning space dedicated to the humanities and languages.
The Need: Improve student recruitment with a full-service admissions suite featuring light-filled testing areas and a hospitable conference room; two learning spaces that provide a more flexible innovative environment for twenty-first century learning; and a living laboratory with a full-service kitchen to enrich programming throughout campus.
Student Impact: Prospective families (all school); grades nine through twelve (Upper School)
LoDome at Pardue Hall
Completed August 2018
报价:最近装修的帕杜大厅的最后触摸包括地板的安装, acoustical enhancements, 家具的添加增加了这个壮观的协作空间的功能.
The Need: Through direct faculty input, 这次翻新的最后阶段通过全面装备这个空间并为非凡的学习环境奠定基础,解决了十大网赌平台推荐对每个学生和教师的承诺.
Intermediate Program Building
Completed: August 2019
Student Life Center at Lane Hall
Opening: Summer 2020
Offers: 6,000平方英尺的重新利用空间,支持为每个Ashley Hall高中学生量身定制的强大计划, 从健康项目到大学咨询.
Jenkins Hall Science Laboratories
Opening: Summer 2020
Offers: Expand the number of science laboratories with the addition of two new state-of-art laboratories on the third floor of Jenkins Hall; renovate current space on the first floor.