金融援助 at 十大最好的网赌平台 | Private School in Charleston, SC-十大网赌平台推荐


阿什利霍尔的经济援助计划的目的是招收合格的学生谁不能负担得起参加, thus maximizing the strength of the student body. We understand that affordability is a major consideration for parents. 所有的经济援助都是根据一个家庭的实际需要进行的,并且是为那些没有其他选择申请援助的家庭保留的. 十大最好的网赌平台 follows the NAIS Principles of Good Practice for 金融援助. 所有要求经济援助的家庭必须坚持由NAIS (SSS)程序的学校和学生服务. The results of the SSS formula are considered by the 金融援助 Committee, which then determines whether aid is to be granted and how much aid to grant. 阿什利霍尔并不总是能够满足所有申请家庭的证明需求. 所有资料均属机密, limited to review by the 金融援助 committee, 如有要求,将予以归还. 基于需求的经济援助是一种补助金, 不是贷款, 并按先到者分配, first served basis to families of students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. 经济需求的计算不考虑种族、残疾、肤色、宗教或国籍.


  • 十大网赌平台推荐的经济援助申请与入学申请是分开的,不是入学决定的一个因素.
  • 如果父母离婚或分居, we require information from both custodial and non-custodial parents. Each household needs to complete the SSS application separately.
  • 十大网赌平台推荐要求一个家庭的所有父母在寻求经济援助之前都有工作. The exception is for parents caring for pre-school aged children, 残疾人士的生活, or facing other circumstances preventing employment.
  • 拥有企业的父母, 信任, or receive rental income may be required to submit additional documentation.
  • 未能满足所有截止日期限制了阿什利霍尔向那些可能符合条件的应得学生提供经济援助的能力,并可能导致减少或没收奖励.
  • 您将被要求提供2022年联邦所得税申报表(1040表)的副本。, 所有的辅助进度表和w -2表格, which can be submitted either electronically or by mail.

Access Parents’ Financial Statement Workbook



The financial aid deadline for new students is follows:
1 - 11年级:2024年2月15日

For returning students the financial aid deadline is January 15, 2024.

If you have any questions about the financial aid process, contact:

珍妮特·莫里森|控制器| (电子邮件保护) | (843) 720-2867


Does 十大最好的网赌平台 offer Financial Assistance and Scholarships?

阿什利霍尔保持一个强大的财政援助计划和预算,以确保最合格的候选人有机会参加阿什利霍尔, regardless of their economic circumstances. 有些奖学金是提供给有经济需要的特定学生,并满足特定奖学金的特定标准. Most scholarships are for students in grades 5-12.

What are the terms of the financial aid program?

Financial aid awards are for one year. Every family must reapply annually for further financial aid awards.

经济援助申请与学生的入学申请没有任何联系. 经济援助信息是保密的,不与招生委员会共享, 只有在财政援助委员会.

未能遵守经济援助的最后期限可以取消学生获得援助的资格. 歪曲或未能充分和准确地披露家长财务报表上的所有信息, will result in the loss of financial aid.

Every financial aid application will be reviewed on an individual basis. 返回阿什利霍尔获得经济援助的家庭将优先考虑奖学金,而不是新生申请. 回国的家庭必须严格遵守经济援助准则,以确保他们的优先权. 如果信息没有在公布的截止日期前完成和提交,资金可以也将分配给其他家庭.

What forms are needed to apply for 金融援助?

All information can be accessed at www.sssbynais.org. 这个网站(学校和学生服务)允许家庭填写家长财务报表并提交所有必要的税务文件. In addition, families must fill out Form 4506. 本文档可用 在这里 and must be signed, undated, and uploaded through SSS. Form 4506 is an IRS document that is used to retrieve past tax returns, W-2s, and 1099 transcripts that are held on file by the IRS. 该文件允许第三方(十大最好的网赌平台)检索纳税人的数据.

When is the deadline to submit a 2022 Federal Tax Return?

完整的2022年联邦纳税申报表, 包括所有适当的时间表, must be received by SSS by February 14, 2024.
SSS必须在以下时间收到完整的2023年联邦纳税申报表,包括所有适当的附表 your earliest convenience, but no later than September 1, 2024. If you require an extension or special consideration, 请联络财务总监, 珍妮特·莫里森 (电子邮件保护) 直接.

What are the considerations for special circumstances?


Both the birth parent(s) and guardians(s) must report all income and assets.



In situations w在这里 an applicant’s parents are separated or divorced, “监护人”一词是指与申请人居住在一起的父母(或在申请经济援助之前的12个月内与之居住最频繁的父母)。. The other parent is referred to as the non-custodial parent. 父母的财务报表(PFS)是由监护父母和完成, 如果父母再婚了, 也是继父留下的. 非监护父母也需要填写一份PFS表格并提交给SSS.

父母双方都有责任提供适当的财务信息. 监护父母有责任要求非监护父母及时填写所有适当的表格. If the requested information is not provided, the 金融援助 Committee will be unable to review an application for aid. 父母一方的再婚创造了一个新的家庭单位,但十大最好的网赌平台认为 亲生(或养父母)(无论是监护权还是非监护权)有责任支付教育费用, unless t在这里 is documented legal agreements to the contrary.


In either of the above mentioned situations, 医生提供的证明文件可以澄清情况, 律师, or other such person with knowledge of the family’s circumstances. 可能有其他情有可原的情况可以让十大最好的网赌平台放弃这一要求.


十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.